12 October 2024


It's been a while since I've posted anything here. That's mostly because I haven't been playing.

Friday night my brother and I drove over to Port Canaveral and took the Sun Cruz casino tour. On the way to boarding they had a sign-up board for poker. They were offering a $60 sit-n-go that would start as soon as the ship cast off. All the other poker, and other gambling, had to wait until the ship passed the 3-mile marker. They can apparently start the sit-n-go because no money changes hands until the ship has crossed the gambling line. My brother and I both signed up.

Poker is on the top deck. Thankfully, the entire floor appeared to be non-smoking. They had eight tables, though only two were in use -- one for the tournament and one for what I think was a $1/$3 NL cash game.

Eventually eleven people sat down for the tournament. The mix of players was about what I'd expect at such a venue. A couple guys who had more than a clue or two, a couple complete novices, and a few who probably thought they knew what they were doing. I'm not sure exactly how long the levels were. We got about one full rotation in each of the first few levels. The blinds went 100/200, 200/400, 300/500, 500/1000, 1000/2000. The whole thing felt reasonable to me. Certainly not designed to be a long tournament, but not rushed to the point it was an all-in fest.

Not surprisingly, the novices busted out early. I got a couple good hands I was able to take advantage of and managed to build a comfortable stack. Once we had a bit more elbow room, the game tightened up. I grabbed the initiative and stole a few pots. One hand I woke up with pocket rockets, which turned into quads, but I couldn't get anyone to play back at me.

When we finally got to three the dealer immediately started pushing chop. I thought I was better than either of the other two so I suggested we keep playing for a while. Nobody seemed to care much one way or the other, so we played on. When we got down to two the other guy offered to chop, but I had him two-to-one in chips. Plus, I knew I was better than he was. Sadly, the cards dried up for me. The other guy ended up taking it, and then, being the good winner he was, rubbed it in that he'd offered to chop it.

They immediately offered a $40 "beginners" tournament. About all I recall about that one is that Mr. Good Winner was the first one out, and the guy who took third in the first tournament and I were the last two. We went back and forth for about 15 minutes. I was up by a few hundred and offered to chop it. The other guy agreed.

Another $40 tournament was immediately called. Willing participants were getting scarce. We only had six at this one. My largest accomplishment in this one was sitting around watching as the first three players were eliminated, not losing many chips while it happened. Then I managed to catch a hand and eliminate the third place player. Mr. Good Winner and I were the final two. Not wanting to have it rubbed in again if he lucked out, I agreed to chop it.

For the night it was one second and two chops with me ahead in chips. Total, adjusting for tips, +$200. My play was solid, though could have been a bit more aggressive at times. Only one suckout, and even that was only 2-to-1 against when the chips went in.

I was a little disappointed there wasn't more poker action on the boat. Just the one tournament table and one cash table. The cash table was full pretty much the whole time.

If this is the kind of crowd the boat is drawing, I can see why the other gambling cruise line went out of business. There is a new one that's supposed to open soon. They're advertising all sorts of free stuff, so it will be interesting to sail on that one and see what kind of crowds they get.

28 February 2010

What a rush

Full Tilt emailed a while back about their new Rush Poker games. At first I thought it was one of the stupidest ideas I'd ever heard of. Then, after pondering a while, I realized it had the potential to be the solution to one of the problems that has annoyed me for a long time -- the MMIA.

If you're not familiar with Rush Poker, it works like this. You join a pool of players who've all agreed to play the same game at the same stakes. As soon as you fold your hand you are moved to another table where the cards are about to be dealt. There is a Quick Fold button that will instantly move you to another table even if the action hasn't come to you yet.

After due consideration, I realized this might appeal to the MMIAs, the action junkies who want to do nothing but make decision after decision. It could potentially move them to Rush Poker and leave the regular ring tables for those who like to concentrate on the game and get some feel for their opponents.

Today I decided to give Rush Poker a try. I have to admit, it is a rush. Perhaps too much of a rush for me. I'm not a child of first person shooters and other sensory overload games. I like to occasionally take a breather, give my mind a couple seconds off. The only way to do that in Rush Poker is to sit out.

Aside from the breakneck pace, there are a couple other things that bother me. When a new table is formed, the player who has not played the big blind in the longest amount of time is the big blind. If you're first joining the game, you're the big blind. That part's okay. The problem is the remainder of the seats are assigned randomly. My first three tables I was BB, SB, SB. In theory, you can get stuck playing the SB position several times in a row. You can be UTG far more times than you would at a regular table. Of course, you could be on the button more often too.

I understand they can't make the positions work out perfectly, but I see no reason they can't ensure you aren't the SB any more than you should be and that distribution of seating at the other positions evens out. You might still be UTG three times in a row, but over 100 hands you'd be UTG one-sixth or one-ninth of the time, according to the size of table you're playing.

There is also the issue that this game makes it virtually impossible to play the other players with any intelligence. You are reduced to playing the cards and guessing about the other players' actions based on almost no information. OTOH, the other players have to play this way too. If you're a good technical player but have trouble with the people side of the game, this could be a plus for you.

I found a number of times I was curious about how a hand turned out, but I was whisked off to another table as soon as I folded and didn't get a chance to see the results. If I fold before the flop, I usually don't care. If I fold on the river in a game with three players still alive, I'd usually like to see what happens. No joy on that. It would be nice if there was an option to continue monitoring tables where you've folded.

On the plus side, this seems to be a great game for clearing bonuses. Points are awarded exactly as they are in regular games. If you're dealt cards and the pot is raked, you get points -- even if you've changed tables because you folded. You can effectively earn points on multiple tables without playing multiple tables. Playing a tight game of Omaha where you fold the vast majority of initial holdings, you could easily be earning points on a dozen tables at once while concentrating on just one.

I've yet to determine if Rush Poker will clear the MMIAs off the regular ring games. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Addendum: I just finished a short session playing Rush Limit Hold'em. For the tight player, this may well be the ultimate limit experience. Except for the occasional mad man or calling station, I'm not sure how much benefit there is to tracking player tendencies in limit, at least over the short haul. If you're willing to play a purely technical game against whoever happens to be seated, this game will keep you hopping.

It has been my experience that I can make a fold/no-fold decision pre-flop in about one second for 75% of my hands. (I don't have stats on the percentage, it's just a gut feel.) With maybe 10% of them I need to see what happens before me to make my fold/no-fold decision. With the rest I'm almost certain to stay.

In Rush Limit Hold'em, that means on about 75% of my hands I can click Fold and be playing another hand in about two seconds. Twenty hands a minute would not be out of the question. Of course, that rate is only when I'm folding. Actually playing a hand clearly takes longer, though most of the players in this particular limit game were pretty fast with their decisions. The longest of hands didn't take but a minute or so. The overall pool average is 200 hands/hours. I think that's on a per table basis, not a per player basis.

The other thing here is that the whole game just moves faster because everyone is paying attention. You're either actively making a decision on a hand or in a hand waiting on other players to decide at all times. There's no waiting because other players are on 27 other tables at the same time or somebody has run off to get another beer.

I'll have to time it with PokerTracker to know for sure, but it wouldn't surprise me to see a 500 hands/hour rate at this game.

30 September 2009

Back in the game

Despite the lack of recent posts here, I have actually been playing more poker lately. Full Tilt offered a "Take 2" bonus this month of which I took advantage. You had to play two or more tables simultaneously and earn at least one FT point between the two tables. You got bonus money at various intervals, up to a total of $50 for 25 days of play. I played PLO exclusively and collected the last of the $50 Monday night.

Aside from the bonus, the PLO was also reasonably profitable. I actually didn't track the money that closely, but I think I must have won at least as much in play as I gained from the bonus. Given my bonus chasing performance over the last few years this was a marked improvement.

Last night I decided to rejoin The Quest by getting back into the DoNTs at Stars. It was only one tournament, but based on a sample size of one, it seems my previous observations about these tournaments getting a lot tighter are still holding true. That's what I get for posting a bunch of lessons on how to play these.

I had some strong hands early and got up a good amount. Later on I got into a coin flip for most of my chips with my TT versus two big cards. My tens held and I could have coasted from there. I didn't, but I could have. I did end up winning. All in all, a nice return to The Quest.

The bankroll is up to $205. Hopefully I'll retain my interest for a while this time.

02 September 2009

Five years ago today...

Five years ago today a guy who thought he knew how to play poker decided to take a chance on this online poker thing. Pacific Poker was the place. It was chosen because it was where his buddy George played online.

He started playing limit hold'em at a level that was way beyond his bankroll, or at least the amount deposited. And he got lucky. It didn't hurt that Pacific Poker was widely regarded as the site with the worst poker players online. That small initial deposit grew.

Within a fairly short period he began to realize how little he actually knew about the game, despite nearly a lifetime of playing poker at almost every opportunity. Books were ordered and studied. Shortly the initial bankroll had multiplied several times and the confines of Pacific Poker, rich though they were, began to feel limiting.

If memory serves, Poker Room was the next stop, along with a very nice first deposit bonus. Bonus? "Oh, yeah, this is sweet. All I have to do is be reasonably competent and do what I'd be doing anyway, and this site gives me money to do it."

It was about this time that everybody and their maiden aunts thought they could run a poker site, and they were happy to throw money away trying to build a base of players. The Cryptos were particularly sweet, most of them offering regular monthly bonuses just for playing. No special deposit required. And the tables were loaded with drunken Europeans playing way over their limit. The GBP tables were the sweetest. Must have been due to the pubs closing early or something.

Eventually the Poker Room network opened up and some extremely lucrative bonuses appeared. Ah, those were the good old days. Four-tabling $2/$4 limit. Watching the bonus money pile up. Cha-ching.

Never happy with the status quo, the Cryptos started offering micro-limit tables and the action at $1/$2 and above completely dried up. The bonus became very difficult to clear. Eventually it seemed hardly worth the effort.

At some point along the way, the siren call of tournament poker became too attractive to ignore. Bye-bye, limit. Hello, NLHE. Tournaments, tournaments, and more tournaments. The Wil Wheaton-hosted WWDN became a regular weekly stop. Then more blogger tournaments started to appear. If you go back and read the first entry on this blog you'll see it was started just to fulfill a requirement for entry to a blogger tournament.

Then came the day the poker died. Well, almost. I'll leave you to fill in your own Pythonesque skit here. The UIGEA was signed into law. It has so far turned out to be more nuisance than actual death, but it has definitely put a damper on things.

Like most episodes of looking back, it simultaneously seems like just yesterday and a long, long time ago that I sat down at the first virtual poker table. I played for at least an hour pretty much every day for the first couple years. I've been more on-and-off with it over the last three. I'll play regularly for three or four months, then I'll kind of lose interest and let it sit idle for a while.

This year has seen me go through a number of pretty major life changes. I've had three mailing addresses -- one on each of the coasts and one pretty much in the middle. I'm recently coming out of another hiatus that was due mostly to one of those real life changes. Things are settling into a regular pattern again and I find myself catching hints of that siren call just at the limits of my hearing.

I've been playing a bit of PLO the last couple weeks. It seems to be about where hold'em was five years ago -- full of players who have barely a clue what they're doing. You could fit my knowledge of PLO in a thimble and have plenty of room left over, but it's still a lot more knowledge than many of the players I've seen online. Of course, I'm still wading in the kiddie pool. Fun thing is, you can make some real money in the kiddie pool.

The last five years have not always been the greatest in my real life, but the poker has been fun. I've learned tons, made quite a few friends I've never met, and turned a pretty decent profit.

Something I never expected when I threw myself at poker was how much I'd learn about real life from playing a game. Poker has brought me patience I never had before. It has taught me that slim odds are not the same as no odds. One-outers do hit, seemingly far more often than the odds would suggest. It has taught me that the proper answer to almost any question is -- it depends.

I hope by the time I write my tenth anniversary post that the US government will have stopped wearing its ass for a hat and online poker will be legal in all states. I hope it will be regulated by some recognized, impartial party and this will give the average Joe faith that the game is honest and his money is safe (at least when it's not in the pot). I don't give this outcome great odds, but it wouldn't be the first time I've hit a two-outer at the river.

07 March 2009

Suckout City

I just finished a DoNT that had to have a higher concentration of suckouts and re-sucks than any tournament I've ever played. It was both amazing and rather disgusting at the same time.

I played my normal ultra-tight game until blinds got to 100/200/20 and I had blinded down to 1280. (I had taken a couple very small pots prior to this.) I get AJo UTG. We're down to seven players. I figure a push is the only reasonable action here. I get one caller who turns over AQo. I'm already packing up my stuff and heading for the exit. That is until I flop Broadway. No jack comes to save the other guy. I double up and he's down to crumbs.

Two hands later it folds to me in the SB holding KJo. I'd like to see a flop so I call. The BB, who has about 1000 more than me, makes it 600 to go. There are four players with stacks less than half the size of mine and only two more eliminations, so making a strategic withdrawal is the only reasonable course of action here. I go to click on the fold button but somehow hit the call button instead. I guess even your button clicking skills suffer if you don't play every day.

Figuring I've just thrown away 400 chips, I'm shocked to see a flop of KJ8, rainbow. This is a hand that demands to be slowplayed, so I check. The BB pushes all-in. I probably should have folded, but I just couldn't see him having trips. I called all-in. He turns over AA and I'm already counting my chips. Then disaster strikes. The turn is an 8. I can't believe it. Again I'm packing up and heading for the rail.

Not so fast. The suckouts aren't over yet. The river brings a K and I re-suck to take it down. I'm now the BIG stack by over 1500.

A couple hands later the guy who had the aces pushes all-in with 99 and gets a call from another smaller stack holding KJo. The flop is TT9, handing a boat to the guy I almost knocked out. The other guy fills his straight on the river, but it's not enough.

A few hands later, one of the smaller stacks raises with K2s and gets a call from the BB. When the flop brings a K, the K2 guy pushes in. The BB calls and turns over KQs. Of course, the river brings a 2 and another suckout keeps the tournament from ending.

There's maybe ten hands with a bit of blind stealing and not much other action. Then somebody is forced all-in in the SB. I call from the cutoff with AQo. We don't see the cards at the time because not everyone was all-in, but the SB has K6o. The flop brings KK9, with the turn filling his boat with a 6. When the river brings a 9 I figure I'm going to take it with kings and nines, ace kicker, but noooooooo...

A few hands later a couple of the smaller stacks push all-in. One has AJs, the smaller stack has A3s. This should be the last hand. But wait, there's more. The flop is 337. We're not done yet.

A couple hands later I'm in the SB with Q7o. The BB has only 180 left after posting the blind. I call, hoping he has less than an average hand. He does, but that doesn't matter when the flop brings him trips. At least it only cost me another 180.

Next hand we get another all-in from a small stack and a call from somebody with only 185 more. TT vs 44, with the bigger stack having the tens. Again, this should be the last hand. Nope. The guy with fours hits his two-outer on the river.

Finally, we get to the final hand. The loser from the last hand is all-in in the SB. Big stack to my right calls. I've got KK so of course I call. BB checks his option. We check it down, my kings prevail, and it's finally over.

Maybe it wasn't the most suckouts ever, but it sure seemed like a lot of them in pretty short order.

24 February 2009

Luckiest I've ever seen

I played a DoNT last night and watched as one of the other players combined incredibly poor judgment with unbelievable luck, the likes of which has not been seen since Danny Nguyen took down the Bay 101. I don't ordinarily like to put up lots of screen shots, but this is a special event well worth the trouble and the download time. If I were the paranoid sort I'd say the fix was in for this guy.

In the screen captures that follow, I've redacted the player names to protect the innocent. I'm in seat one. The luckbox of the night is in seat 6. I'm sure you'd have figured that out after the first hand.

Here's hand #1.

This makes perfect sense, right? I mean, seriously, who wouldn't limp from MP with 93o. You'd have to be crazy not to want to get into the action with a monster like that.

To get things going in the right direction, he connects just a little bit with the board.

I show hand #2 here, not as an illustration of luck, but just to give you a sense of the masterful grasp of tournament Hold'em possessed by our anti-hero.

What I missed in the screen capture here is that he did a min-raise with Q3s. The guy with A6o who called the min-raise isn't any smarter, so this should be a fun hand.

We see here that not all the luck ran toward seat 6. The truly amazing thing here is that A6o bet 40 on the flop and 40 again on the turn, each time getting a call from Q3s. On the river A6o bet 100 and got a call. The luckbox apparently felt his Q was good. Or this is really Dennis Rodman. (That's a Celebrity Poker joke, just in case you missed it.)

On to hand #3.

If you can raise with Q3 sooted from UTG+1, it seems only reasonable to call UTG with T9o. The poker gods, of course, clearly favor fools. Wait for it...

Another slight connection with the board. Let's do a quick recap. Three hands. Calls or raises with total trash on all three. Result -- four of a kind, a full house, and one small loss. And we're just getting started.

There's no screen cap of hand #4. Our anti-hero called all the way to the river and then mucked his hand. There was an ace and two kings on the board, so I'm figuring he had a powerhouse like 84o.

Hand #5.

An actual solid starting hand for our luckbox. This doesn't bode well. And it turns out not. Seat #5 pushes all-in on the flop and ends up with two pair. At least the other two in the hand just checked it down after they both completely missed the board.

Hand #6 was rather uneventful. Five to the flop. Check around. Check around again on the turn. Check to our man on the button who puts in a bigger than pot sized bet with four hearts on the board. Everybody folds.

Hand #7 was one of my few decent hands. I had AA and raised to 90. Three callers. The flop was J-high with two diamonds. I bet 330 into a 405 pot. One call from the luckbox. The turn brought my third ace and he finally folded to my bet of about half the pot. I was half hoping he would call.

Hand #8.

As should come as no surprise by now, our guy calls with junk.

And as should come as little further surprise, he connects. What I totally don't get is that he checks here. I realize trying to get inside this guy's head is likely to lead to the same experience Jennifer Lopez's character had in The Cell, but I still can't help trying. Does he not think top pair is likely good here? Is he slow playing? Is he really Dennis Rodman and actually has no idea what the little symbols on the cards mean?

It gets checked all the way down and the luckbox takes it.

Hand #9.

Four players see a flop of K22 with two spades. The cutoff bets 150. In what seemed to be a good move at the time, I called hoping to fill my flush, which would have lead to tragedy. Of course, the luckbox still has two cards, so he calls.

The turn brings an ace and it checks around.

As you can see, the river fills the cutoff's boat. He bets 150. I fold. The luckbox -- I swear he can't have any clue what the little symbols mean -- calls. Seriously, how could you possibly call with J6o on that board? This is why I'm writing this up. The obvious luck involved in this guy lasting more than a couple hands is very rare.

Hand #10. Hold on to your hats. This one's a real doozy.

The luckbox actually has a so-so hand this time. Can't fault him for limping. Well, some might argue he should have raised. With the way his luck is running, he's probably a fool for not raising. OTOH, he clearly plays better with junk. Anyway, five players see the flop.

Of course, our guy catches a piece. It checks to the cutoff who makes a pot sized bet. I'm guessing he has a queen and is trying to get rid of any flush draws. Silly wabbit. Hasn't he figured out there's no scaring away the luckbox?

Two folds, two calls. Given how hard I've been on the luckbox, I need to point out seat #8 makes a very stupid call here. At best he's got 7 outs. That makes him about 15% to catch his card on the turn and he's only getting 3:1 from the pot. Dumb call.

You saw this coming, didn't you? The luckbox bets 200 and it gets called around. Seat #8 is getting 9:1 from the pot this time so his call isn't quite so bad, though only if you figure his ace might still be good. Which it isn't.

The river doesn't help the luckbox or seat #8 and seems unlikely to have helped the cutoff. Things get really strange here. The luckbox puts out a miniscule bet of 50. It's a ridiculous bet, but what else can we expect? I can only guess that seat #8 thinks his bluff raise to 200 is going to move everyone else off this pot. Not likely.

The cutoff calls the bluff raise. We now discover that apparently the luckbox really can read the cards. He makes a teaser raise of 150. Seat #8 continues his folly of half-assed bluffs, this time making it 600 to go. It's unlikely he was ever going to succeed with this bluff, but if he had any chance at all he had to put some real conviction into it. Adding 250 on top of what's already gone into the pot isn't going to scare everyone away.

The cutoff finally realizes his queens aren't any good and he folds. The luckbox calls.

Hand #11.

The luckbox has two cards, so he calls. The flop doesn't help anyone so it checks around. The luckbox catches a card on the turn, but either doesn't read his hand right or is afraid someone is being very passive.

The river, naturally, fills his flush and he calls the weak bet from seat #5.

Hand #12 was taken down by the luckbox with an almost pot sized bet on the turn.

Hand #13.

The luckbox gets two cards, and they're sooted, so it's clearly time for a raise. The flop gives seat #5 top pair. Since we need a microscope to find his stack, he pushes. The luckbox, with no hand and no draw, naturally makes the call.

Words fail me here. Perhaps we should all just take a moment and contemplate in silence the awesome power of dumb, idiotic, borderline moronic luck.

Hand #14.

Seat #9, holding AQo, quite properly puts in a raise. I would have pushed right off the bat here considering his stack size, but I guess he was trying to be cautious. The luckbox is holding two cards so he calls.

The luck gets reversed in this hand. Our guy catches a piece of the flop and it completely misses seat #8. Nevertheless, he decides this is a good time to push it all in. As I said, this move would have made a lot more sense before the flop. Now it's kind of stupid. The luckbox has already checked so seat #8 could have seen the turn for free. But he pushes. Of course, our guy has bottom pair so he's not going to be deterred by a pot sized all-in.

Seat #8 lucks out and catches a queen on the river to double up.

Hand #15. Seat #3 and seat #10 both push all-in. Seat #10 takes it with a better kicker and seat #3 is down to crumbs.

Hand #16.

Luckbox has two cards, so he calls. Honestly, the way things are going for him I can't say as I blame him. I'd probably be calling with any two as well.

Luckbox again catches on the flop, but doesn't pursue it. They both check it all the way.

Hand #17.

Seat #3 pushes his crumbs into the pot. Seat #4 and the luckbox call, the BB checks.

The luckbox catches a T on the flop and everybody checks it down. Luckbox wins again. Seat #3 hits the rails.

Hand #18.

This one is somewhat uneventful. Luckbox calls with 83o. Who can blame him?

The flop brings seat #10 and I two pair. It checks to the river. Seat #10 puts in a min-bet. I call. Of course the luckbox, with an 8 high, calls. I think a chimpanzee is playing that seat. Seat #10 and I split the pot.

Hand #19, the luckbox raises pre-flop and everyone folds.

Hand #20.

The luckbox and seat #4 go to the turn. Luckbox bets, seat #4 folds. Yawn.

On hand #21 something remarkable happened. The luckbox folded to an all-in from seat #10. Somebody alert the media!

Hand #22.

Seat #8, UTG, pushes all-in for 545. Seat #10 and the luckbox call.

Seat #8 and the luckbox catch the same straight on the turn. Luckbox bets, seat #10 folds. Luckbox and seat #8 split.

Hand #23.

The luckbox, holding the never-to-be-fooled-with 53o, calls from the button. Who wouldn't? It checks all the way to the river.

Who could have possibly doubted? The luckbox bets 200 and seat #8 calls. Stupid call, especially with so few chips left.

Hand #24 is a huge surprise. The luckbox calls an all-in from seat #8 with the luckbox holding the Brunson and the luckbox loses! What is this tournament coming to?

Hand #25 we get back on track. Luckbox call an all-in from seat #4, this time holding A6s. Seat #4 was clearly desperate because he pushed with 98o. The luckbox catches a pair and seat #4 can't quite make his straight.

Hand #26.

This time I wake up with a playable hand. The luckbox calls with two cards and seat #10 calls.

I catch TPTK on the flop and bet a bit over half the pot. The luckbox still has two cards, so he calls. Seat #10 folds.

The turn brings both straight and flush possibilities. I check, knowing that if there's any way I can be beat, I probably am against this opponent. The luckbox checks. This could mean absolutely anything.

The river doesn't improve my hand so I check again. So does the luckbox. Seeing the cards it's obvious I should have bet, particularly since he was almost certain to have called. I take a pot that almost assures victory in this one.

The final hand.

The luckbox actually gets decent cards and limps in. Seat #10 violates a couple basic rules (don't risk chips when you don't need to and don't ever go all-in against the luckbox) and pushes all-in with 99. Seat #2, down to the felt, decides this is as good a time as any to go home and calls all-in. Naturally, the luckbox calls. Three to the flop.

You just knew that was coming, didn't you? Really, what other cards possibly could have fallen. Okay, they could have all been hearts. Short of that, though, this is the only possible outcome with the luckbox in the hand.

And the magic is finally over. This last hand is one of the few I think he actually played right. Maybe he was just trying to get into the groove.

Let's recap. Twenty-seven hands played. The luckbox bumbles his way to 15 wins and one split. In some ways I suppose the real miracle here is that he didn't piss away his chips on the other ten hands he played to the showdown.

If it wasn't for a few incredibly stupid calls, I'd have to suspect this guy could see not only the other players' cards but the cards that were yet to fall on the board. Maybe he could and the dumb plays were just his way of providing cover. Okay, not likely at a $5 DoN. Still, this is one of the most amazing runs of dumb luck having out over incredibly stupid play I've ever seen. And I've been playing poker a LONG time.

18 February 2009

Another milestone

The Quest has passed another small milestone. The bankroll is now over $200. It's been quite a while since I started with that measly $5. The most notable jump has been since Christmas when I first started playing the Double-or-Nothing tournaments. Those have been incredibly lucrative, growing the bankroll by 66% in under two months. And that includes a couple weeks when I didn't play at all due to travel and lack of an Internet connection. (Which is also why I haven't been posting regular blog entries.)

Despite a few recent losses, my ROI on these is still over 21%. I'm not sure if that's really good or not, but I'm thinking about asking my financial advisor if DoN tournaments are an allowable investment for my IRA.

The competition at these, even in the shallow end where I'm playing, definitely seems to have tightened up recently. I'm seeing lots of players with VP$IP's under 20%. I suspect it's even worse as you move up the ladder.

I played one tournament today where I got absolute crap cards. The most playable hand I got was KQo, but somebody put in a big raise before it got to me and folding seemed the proper move. When I finally got an ace, I was in the SB and it folded to me. I had already blinded down to the point where I needed to make a move and this seemed as good a time as any. I pushed and, wouldn't you know it, the BB has pocket jacks. I make it all the way to 75/150 blinds, play one single hand the whole time, and run into a pocket pair. So it goes...

The other two I've played so far today went much better. I squeaked by in one and dominated the last half of the other. Somewhat surprisingly, or maybe not considering how things have tightened up, the last hand in the latter was played very well by one of the other players. The shortie pushes all-in for just a bit over 2BB. I call with something like K7o. (The shortie was UTG, so he could be moving with any two cards here.) One other bigger stack calls. We check it all the way down. The other big stack had QQ the whole way. Didn't raise pre-flop, didn't raise after the flop despite his queens being an overpair the whole way. It's refreshing to see it played correctly.