23 August 2007

The Quest, Session 20

Played two not terribly long sessions tonight. Nothing really exciting to report. Aside from a net $0.75 loss with my two pairs of pocket aces, I didn't catch a whole lot in the way of cards. No big triple ups or anything exciting like that.

I do think I need to figure a way to start padding the bankroll faster because playing at this level is going to ruin me for "real" play. There are far too many people who see about 80% of the flops and refuse to fold even if they have no draw.

In one hand tonight the flop came AAA. It checked to me holding Kx so I put in a small bet. One guy calls, as I eventually find out, holding 82. 82. On a flop of AAA. It's one thing to think I might be bluffing, but what are you going to do with 82? He made no attempt to play back at me; just called and checked to the river. It's brilliant play like this that gives me the feeling I need to get out of this neighborhood.

A small net win tonight leaves the bankroll at $26.09. Still a long way before I can really afford to move up.

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