29 June 2007

NETeller Co-Founder pleads guilty

The Associated Press is reporting that NETeller co-founder Stephen Lawrence has pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal conspiracy. Lawrence acknowledged in federal court that NETeller's processing of financial transactions with online gambling sites was illegal under US law.

I'm not sure this bodes well for those of us expecting money from NETeller. On the one hand, it will probably help speed those transfers since a portion of the case has been resolved. On the other hand, I have to wonder how many individuals will be receiving subpoenas along with their NETeller checks.

The government has said it can't deport 12 million illegal immigrants. Let's hope they'll be similarly incapable of going after a few million poker players.

1 comment:

Dave Chan said...

Be afraid. Be very afraid. In order to get around the Constitution, the strategy has become: Make a small case and apply it to the big case. In this case, if they can nail a few online gamblers, they can nail a few more downloaders. And if they can nail the gamblers and downloaders, then they can tax online commerce. They DESPERATELY want to tax online commerce. Might be time to move to Costa Rica and get a gun.