10 October 2006

They call me Mr. Victimizer

Hoyazo gave me a nice write-up in his blog today, so I guess it's only fair to do the same. Yes, it's true. I am The Victimizer. That's Mister Victimizer to you.

I'm not going to say much about the hand in question other than I was playing the player, not the cards. From here I will just quote Hoyazo.

In my mind, although the Victimizer hasn't been playing the Hoy long, he clearly knows my slow-raise strategy with pocket Aces, and he is using it against me. So I know he must have Aces. But at this point, even facing the third raise preflop, with still a solid 600 or so chips left in my stack, I'm not going to fold the Kings. So I move it all in.

Given that Hoy was convinced I had the aces, I don't think I made a bad play here at all. It was a convincing bluff that didn't work. Nothing to feel bad about there. Once Hoy's gone all-in, I'm getting 4-to-1 from the pot and am just slightly worse than 2-to-1 against if he has anything short of aces. That was a distinct possibility, but given his tricky nature, I can't see him putting in the big raise pre-flop with aces. If he'd min-raised I probably would have run for the hills.

So I made the call, hit the flop big, and Hoy went home early. That's poker, babee.

I'm sure you'll take your revenge before long, Hoy.

I went on to take fifth. Out of the money, but respectable given the company.

See you tonight at the WWdN.

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